Bombshell – Details + Trailer


3D Realms und Interceptor Entertainment haben den offiziellen Gameplay-Trailer zum kommenden RPG-Titel Bombshell veröffentlicht. Darüber hinaus hält die offizielle Webseite zum Spiel neue Details zur kampfeslustigen Actionheldin bereit. Die Duke Nukem 3D-Macher geben als Releasetermin "When it's done" an.

From the creators of 2013's Rise of the Triad and legendary game maker 3D Realms comes Bombshell, an isometric action role-playing game for PC and consoles. Bomb disposal technician turned mercenary for hire, Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison must strong-arm her way across 4 planets in an Unreal Engine-powered galactic adventure to rescue the president from an apocalyptic alien threat. With out-of-this-world enemies, a never-before-seen arsenal of devastating weaponry and a host of genre-crossing mechanics, Bombshell is set to blow you away.

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