PCPointer.de led the last days an interview with the developers of Revolution Software . This interview is available in english and german.
1. How long have you been working on Good Cop Bad Cop?
Tony Warriner: Since late 2000
2. Why do you develop an action-adventure? Baphomets Fluch was an adventure.
Tony Warriner: Really I guess its because a number of us here are fans of action adventures are we thought we’d like to branch out a little and try some ideas that we’ve been having. Most games consist of little bits from other genre’s anyway, so I don’t think its as much of a departure for us as it might at first appear.
3. Which 3D-Engine is used?
Tony Warriner: An all new in-house engine
4. Will there be one big or several small levels in the game?
Tony Warriner: There will be several scenarios in the game – a number of missions set in different environments.
5. What elements will the story include?
Tony Warriner: We cant really talk about the story in any detail yet!
6. I´ve heard that Good Cop Bad Cop could become a competitor to Max Payne.
Tony Warriner: You might think that from the early screen shots I guess, but its really a very different game.
7. Are there any elements from Bapgomets Fluch in Good Cop Bad Cop?
Tony Warriner: Only in a very broad sense. I think it’ll be obvious that the story is a Revolution story but other than that Good Cop Bad Cop is it’s own game.
8. Is the play with the mouse or with the keyboard controlled?
Tony Warriner: It’s a PS2 game, so with the controller!
9. What has to do the player in Good Cop Bad Cop?
Tony Warriner: Broadly, you have to follow the story and figure out whats really going on. I cant talk in detail without spoiling the story of course.
10. Have Good Cop Bad Cop a Multiplayer-Mode?
Tony Warriner: No.
11. With which games Good Cop Bad Cop is most comparable?
Tony Warriner: I really don’t like making these comparisons – they can only devalue our game which is meant to be pretty unique.
12. Have you got another project’s?
Tony Warriner: Yes, Broken Sword – the Sleeping Dragon.
13. How long we must wait until Good Cop Bad Cop release?
Tony Warriner: It will be late 2002 / early 2003 all being well.
Here I would like to thank you Revolution Software and Tony Warriner for the interview.