PCPointer.de led the last days an interview with the developers of Cauldron. This interview is available in english and german.
1. Can you tell us about Cauldron and who you are?
David Durcak: Cauldron was founded in 1996 and is based in Bratislava, the capital of the Slovak Republic. I’ve been in Cauldron, as one of owners, since its foundation. We have finished three titles. Our first title was a logical game called Quadrax which has been the most successful logical game in Slovak and Czech republics. After finishing Quadrax we created a turn-based strategy game – Spellcross, distributed by SCi. After Spellcross was done we have created a turn-based strategy game Battle Isle: The Andosia War, a successor of the famous Battle Isle series. Concurrently with Battle Isle we have been working on our new 3D engine – CloakNT. When we have successfully finished Battle Isle we started to work on our fourth game (the first game based on the CloakNT engine) – first person shooter Chaser.
2. What first inspired you to start with the project Chaser?
David Durcak: We all here wanted to create first person shooter. So when there has been a suitable time we have started to work on design. Our goal has been to create action game with a unique atmosphere. And that is what we plan to fulfill.
3. Many new games appear this year. With which game can we compare Chaser?
David Durcak: It is hard to compare because there is not too many details about similar games.
4. Have Chaser a Multiplayer-Modus?
David Durcak: Yes, of course. We will have several multiplayer modes which you will be able to play via LAN or Internet. There will be common modes like deathmatch, team-play, CTF and some new modes.
5. The surroundings originated from the Film "Total Recall"?
David Durcak: No, they are not. Chaser has it’s own story and design and we have not used anything from Total Recall. There is only one similar thing with Total Recall and that is planet Mars but that is all.
6. Which Engine use Chaser?
David Durcak: Chaser uses our own CloakNT engine which is really great. You can find = closer information about it on our web site (www.cauldron.sk).
7. Will there be one big or several small levels in the game?
David Durcak: Chaser is one big story divided into a smaller plots and tasks. So we can say that it consist of several smaller levels.
8. Which role plays the Player and what must the Player do in the game?
David Durcak: The Player plays the main character Chaser. His role is to find out who he is, because he has particularly lost his memory, and why so many people want him die, what is closely bound with the answer to the question: "Who is Chaser?".
9. When appears a Demo or a Trailer?
David Durcak: Demo and trailers will be available at the end of the game development so at the end of Q3 2002.
10. The weapons play an important role in games. Which weapons are available in Chaser ?
David Durcak: Chaser is as much real as possible in all aspects. We will have real environments, real opponents and real weapons. There you can find many of known real weapons from pistols, through machine guns and rifles up to grenade launchers.
11. As far you are with the development?
David Durcak: Chaser is 3 months in the development so there is quite long time until the end.
12. On what are the programmers working at right now (Engine, Demo …)
David Durcak: Engine is finished so programmers are coding special effects, which will be used in levels and cut-scenes, tuning up network communication and sound system.
13. How long we must wait until Chaser release?
David Durcak: Chaser will be available at the end of 2002.
Here I would like to thank you Cauldron and David Durcak for the interview.